Use the data in your SIS to automatically make accounts in Destiny without the need for human interaction.

You already spend time and energy entering users into your student information system so why should you waste time extracting data by hand? The CPSI Destiny Connector takes the work out of managing users in Destiny through the freedom of automation.

Do you have complicated business practices that make automating data difficult? No problem. With the CPSI Destiny Connector and Publishing Connectors you choose which data moves and when.

Why stop with Destiny automation?
Automate all of your apps and Active Directory.

Find the package that works best for your district.

We understand that price is always a big part of the decision making process. That is why we offer many different options for school districts both large and small. Our products are designed to grow with you so you can choose to go all out from day one or start small and work towards the bigger picture.

The pricing below is for single school districts. If you are a regional office or other educational agency, please contact us for pricing. If you would like a custom quote, please feel free to Contact Us or call us at 800-659-8240.

School District Pricing

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